Working at Okhai as a textile and surface designer has been a journey of artistic exploration intertwined with cultural appreciation and social impact. From the moment I stepped into the vibrant studio space, I was immersed in a world where creativity knows no bounds and where every design has a story to tell.
Each day brought new challenges and opportunities to push the boundaries of my imagination. Collaborating with artisans from diverse backgrounds, I learned to merge traditional techniques with contemporary aesthetics, creating designs that seamlessly blend heritage with innovation. Whether it was hand-painting intricate patterns or experimenting with digital tools, every moment was a chance to celebrate the rich tapestry of Indian craftsmanship.
But beyond the design process, what truly set Okhai apart was its commitment to empowering local communities. Working closely with artisans, I witnessed firsthand the transformative power of sustainable livelihoods. Through fair wages and skill development programs, Okhai not only preserved age-old crafts but also uplifted the lives of those behind each masterpiece.
My time at Okhai Brand was more than just a job; it was a deeply enriching experience that challenged me to think creatively, act responsibly, and make a meaningful difference in the world of design. As I reflect on my journey, I carry with me not only a portfolio of beautiful creations but also a profound sense of pride in being part of a movement that celebrates art, culture, and humanity.
Okhai work


Okhai work
